"I never knew about Weekend at Bernie's being a remake, that's hilarious. There are a hundred more you could list as well. (A Fistful of Dollars/Yojimbo)"

"Yeah I don't agree with all of these either. Turkish Star Wars has some of the finest rock punching action scenes ever put on film!"

"Yup, I'm Not There was shockingly disappointing."

"1. Shadow of the Colossus 2. Fallout 3 3. God of War III 4. Civilization 5. FIFA 2011 6. Grand Theft Auto III - San Andreas 7. Elder Scrolls Oblivion 8. Super Mario Bros 9. Gran Turismo II 10"

"Nice. Too bad you have no David Lean, Carol Reed or Powell/Pressburger. Those guys are better than the hack who made Swept Away!"

"Actually the best movie of 1939 is Rules of the Game. Good list - I love M."

"You're missing the ones mentioned above and about 8000 more that are better than Shyamalan."

"Nice. Mother is really great. I think Winter's Bone was easily top 5 for that year, you should check it out."

"Bubba Hotep sequel = FTW! No Bruce Campbell = no thanks! Fincher's Dragon Tattoo couldn't possibly be as good as the Swedish version. However the two sequels can be done WAY better than the Swedish"

"I enjoyed Max Von Sydow's performance in Virgin Spring, and of course the revenge scenes, but I can see why people wouldn't like it that much. Even Bergman himself said it was one of his lesser films"

"The Lookout is the best one out of the ones I've actually seen. I'm not so sure that 25th Hour, Grindhouse, Spartan or Zack and Miri don't deserve to be overlooked. Each one of them represents a wea"

"Many of them give very large amounts of money to charity (at least Bill Gates sure does). What they need to do is, each give a little tiny bit of money to ME!"

"LOL Thank you for linking to my list of movies that I watched in 2010. Not exactly my most compelling list, but thanks anyway!"

"That's good. I'm glad you have many titles I've never seen on here."

"I'm surprised Tommy Lee Jones hasn't done any more directing since then. As for Drew Barrymore, she will probably get a second movie soon, so she shouldn't really qualify for this list. There are lo"

"The Battle of Algiers and Army of Shadows are also amazing."

"Out of all those, I think Pattinson will one day be respectable. He really knows about classic movies and actually studies his craft. That should help him to move beyond that "Tween Idol" phase of h"

"Bachelor Party is 100 times better than Forrest Gump... check it out some time."

"Awesome. So many titles I've already enjoyed, but also many more I marked as "want to watch"."

"Very interesting. I agree, Grave of the Fireflies is very hard to watch more than once."

"I thought Siegfried was much better paced than Kriemhild's Revenge, and I'd take Die Hard (rated R) over Die Hard 4 (PG), any day. Other than that I like your choices here."